Tuesday 18 January 2011

My Cristmas Holiday

After a round exciting studying and funning in the school, the Christmas holiday is coming. But, the holiday wasn’t as good as it in my mind.
It’s so cold in China, every day was 0-5 degrees. Walking on the way home, there’re only few people on the street, even the people on the street were wearing heavy and thick clothes, gloves and masks. Walking on the bridge, I saw there’s a thick layer of white ice cover the water. Back home, I switch on two heavy coats, one fat winter-coat outside and two long jeans underneath.
Next day morning, I woke up until the sun goes in the middle of the sky, but I still stay in the bed, the bed was so warm and soft and comfortable! I really want to stay in the bed forever.
But in next two weeks, I play badminton with my grandma everyday in a park, it always make me sweat like and I always have no energy to even walking! But, it doesn’t make me lose my fat, because after my sports, I would be the fat and lazy “coach potato”: eating snack, drinking juice and lay on the bed for watching TV…
Ok, this is all of my holiday, how was yours?

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